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" You have all the answers "

Those are the five words Sam McDonald said to me, that changed how I viewed, and thought about life.

Too often in life we fail to give ourselves a compliment, no matter how well we have done. Or we get too comfortable with our lives and forget about our goals and dreams or we do not know or might not even have goals and dreams - for "The poorest man is not without a cent, but without a dream." Let's face it, we all need that little tap in the shoulder or even a push. Just one afternoon when I was coming from church, I got a lift from a very generous woman. I didn't know that lift was a tap on my shoulder and was going to change my life for the better. Sam McDonald - Life and Business Coach. We had a chat and she invited me to a coaching session- never in my life had I ever thought I would use a Life Coach. At first I had mixed emotions about going - I was reluctant and happy at the same time. At the back of my mind I was like - I need a job not a coaching. If I look back at my life before the coaching and look at it now, there is a huge difference. The coaching has done a lot for me and changed my life for the better. I've learned so many things that I didn't know about life. I used to be so negative and I gave up very easily. Sometimes in life we chase what we "want" not what we "need". Some things I learned during my sessions: • Always be positive • Do not get too comfortable (comfort zone) • Beware of society’s influences • Know goals and dreams • Turn negative thoughts into positive • Proper planning • Giving yourself a compliment • Make wise decisions Thank you to Sam for giving me a once in a life time opportunity to re-arrange my life, if it wasn't for her, I would have probably given up on life. Thank you for that tap on the shoulder. I know sometimes it wasn't just a tap when I became too comfortable, but rather an assertive push. That push has taught me a lot. When you fall - don't look where you hurt, but where you slipped. The coaching has helped me not to look where I fell, but where I slipped, and taught me to confidently get up, dust myself down, and continue with my journey, and still I walk now under the guidance of the coaching from Sam McDonald. Thank you so very much and my God bless you! The choices you make today are your future. I had to make a decision to go or not to go, and eventually a decision was made. I am going. It's amazing how things you take for granted, end up bearing the most precious fruits. The sessions I attended have changed a lot about my life. I feel there is this light that is shining on me, and I now challenge myself every day to implement what I've learned so far.

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